Walgreens - $3.29
Kroger - $6.38
Walgreen's - $3.99
Aldi - $7.25
Aldi - $30.84
Walmart - $16.10
Sub Total - $67.85
Monthly Total - $202.91 (out of $250)
This is over a two week period, so it's not quite as bad as it looks, organization-wise. Also, I've been sick, so some of those $5 trips were for things like orange juice and chocolate.
Then this weekend we went to Aldi's and Walmart. We stocked up on some things that were on sale, my newly cherished applesauce and large cans of crushed tomatoes. On a completely random side note, Aldi canned tomatoes have less sodium per serving than Walmart's tomatoes (serving size was the same). Hurray.
Sadly, I haven't made a few of the purchases I am still wanting to, and I know that will put us close to our limit this month, but hubby wasn't feeling good so I didn't feel like dragging him all across town. I've also decided I'm going to try to craigslist or freecycle one of the items on my list instead of buying new.
Improvements to My Food this Trip:
- I made no improvements to my groceries this time around. Sad. Although, I did talk to my hubby about some of the changes I'm wanting to make. He's pretty passive--I don't really think he cares too much so long as the food tastes good and we stay within / close to our budget.
- Improvements coming soon are: Replacing current milk / eggs with organic products from sustainable and / or local farms, replacing poultry, beef, and then pork products with organic sustainable, etc products. I've already been cutting down on our meat consumption in general to prepare for this. I'm going to try and do it in the order above for most consumed to least consumed.
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